Susan Wardle-Mitchell
Svaroopa® yoga therapist
Susan's interest in healing, love for people, and interest in the mind body spirit connection, lead her to the healing arts in the mid 90"s. Having studied breathwork, Reiki, and massage therapy(ITEC certified)in the UK, Susan became licenced as a massage therapist in Jupiter FL in 2000. Susan's healing that she found through yoga, lead her to Svaroopa® yoga, where she found the profound effects of this therapeutic style of yoga both healing and transformational. Susan dove into teacher training in 2010, feeling not only passionate about wanting to share as a teacher and yoga therapist, but considers it an honor.
Continuing her studies with Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram under the guidance of Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati , Susan is committed to growing in consciousness, and helping others on their path to expand, grow and heal through yoga.
OM Namah Shivaya - OM. I honor my Self as consciousness-itself

Why Svaroopa®Yoga? Here's what students have to say
AR - August 23 2022
The positive impact that Susan has had on me is remarkable. Before I came to her I had debilitating lower back pain. In addition, I lacked flexibility to the point that it was difficult bending down and tying my shoes! After the first session, the pain in my lower back was almost entirely alleviated, and was completely gone after the following session. In addition she gave me the means to address any flare ups with my back( which have been rare). My flexibility has also greatly improved so that bending is not as difficult, and tying my shoes is no longer a problem! AR - Doing private sessions since April 2022
Unfortunately I have had back issues and sciatic pain for quite sometime. I have tried everything including a chiropractor, yoga and acupuncture to relieve the pain. The day I started Svaroopa® yoga with Susan, was the day I finally got the relief I was trying to achieve for a long time. She is kind, thoughtful, passionate about helping people feel their best and very knowledgeable about the body. I feel very blessed and grateful to continue my sessions with Susan for a happier life.
It is life changing! Namaste Brenda - Student since February 2020
EmmaLee - July 9, 2020
After another very restful night of sleep, I feel I must thank you again for your recommendation for yoga therapy. When I shared my aches and complaints with you in February, and you mentioned that I might benefit from yoga therapy, I was a bit skeptical. After all, I was doing yoga on a regular basis and seeing a chiropractor as well. Nothing seemed to help the sciatica pain that kept me awake at night. After my first session of yoga therapy, I felt taller and more relaxed. Each session has increased my flexibility, range of motion and helped me feel more at peace. I am sleeping soundly, and have no more sciatica pain. My chiropractor even mentioned that he noticed that I am more flexible and he has reduced my visits to an as needed basis. I attribute all the improvements to my work in yoga therapy with you. I look forward to continued therapy and the benefit it provides.
Thanks again.
Veronica H - April 28 2020
Thank you so much for hosting your class this morning online! It was a wonderful class.
I appreciate being able to connect, even if only remotely, with you and friends from class. It truely lifted my heart
Namaste , Veronica H - Student since 2014
Denise B - April 29 2020
This has been the best thing to happen in my life in a long time!!
Thank you so much for having these classes!I miss seeing you and all our classmates, but this is a perfect way to stay in touch!
Life is good and I'm doing more yoga and meditating everyday. Thank you for introducing me to this spiritual life!
Denise B - student since 2017
Debra W - April 23, 2020
Thanks so much for creating your online classes. It's been a nice break from the virus Pandemic. You are so valuable to our yogi community! Your class is one of the highlights of my week!
Hugs to you, Debra W - student since 2013
Laurie Z - March 16, 2020
Best thing I do for myself!
Susan’s classes keep me ache-free and centered throughout my demanding schedule. She has proven there is a lot of wisdom in keeping the hips, neck and spine in alignment. Through her encouragement, I now practice at home too, but there is nothing like the guidance and adjustments provided in class. Laurie - Student since 2018
Marco N - November 5, 2019
Back pain relief!
I have been treated by Susan for my back pain issue. After the first few sessions I was relieved from my pain.
Thank you Susan for your patience and dedication. This is the right place for professional help. - Marco student since 2018
Shari B - November 3, 2019
Susan is very caring, gentle, and decent
Patricia B - October 30, 2019
Caring, Susan is the most caring Yoga instructor that my husband and I have ever had in our many years of classes. She studies the situation before jumping in and thoughtfully helps those that need it and compliments the class when appropriate. She is observing everyone before acting. She is extremely thoughtful and interacts with class in a way that lets you know she is interested in improving your self image and ability to enjoy the class.
Lynda G - October 30, 2019
Skilled and Sensitive
I was very out of shape with the resulting health issues. Susan worked slowly with our class. She demonstrated positions and walked around to be sure we started correctly. She helped us to grow our own skills and confidence. She also brought her knowledge as a massage therapist to our lessons and ended class with a spiritual reading. Susan also shared spiritual writings with us. I have recommended her to all my friends and colleagues.
Susan T - October 28, 2019
Trusting experienced yoga teacher
This yoga teacher has an understanding of how the body works and is a keen observer of ea student thruout the class. Adjustments as needed as well as a sincere sharing of a spiritual connection.